Take science to the streets!
University research and its application in everyday life is a cornerstone of our society. In order to strengthen the public confidence in science, we have set the goal of bringing knowledge and, above all, enthusiasm for science to all sections of the population. To this end, we are organizing an event in which scientists can give a first-hand account of their everyday life and their research.
This communication focuses on the direct dialogue between presenters and visitors to create a personal added value for all. For the sixt time we are organizing a booth at Munich's largest street festival ZAMANAND with around 250,000 visitors per weekend. Due to its high popularity, it provides a perfect framework for entering into discourse with diverse groups of people.
Find here the program and impressions of the first StreetScience@Zamanand in June 2024!
"It's certainly a unique thing that science is taking to the streets here, standing outside the front door and saying: Hello folks, this is us."
Prof. Dr. Edgar Biemer, Emeritus of Excellence
"I think any kind of event where science manages to open up to the public is absolutely important and essential."
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Richter-Gebert, former Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics
„It’s wonderful to have the general public to be curious about what we are doing and it’s actual our duty to communicate it to the general public.“
Prof. Dr. Gordon Cheng, Head of the chair for cognitive systems
"Thank you very much! It was fun to deal with math for the first time."
"I think this idea is great, so much so that I'm here for the second time today. Interesting lectures - thank you."
"I think it's great that TUM is bringing its research closer to people instead of just in the lab, where normal people never get to go! Keep up the good work."
"Public engagement" (PE) includes a large number of ways to share higher education findings with the public. We seek and promote methods of science communication. To achieve this, we bring together groups with different values and knowledge standards. Both sides benefit from this process of interaction: they gain insights into each other's thinking patterns, increase their knowledge or develop new skills.
"Show that scientific knowledge in the 'post-fact time' is more important than ever."
For the fifth time, we will organize a StreetScience stand at this year's Streetlife Festival in My. The aim is to present scientific topics through dialogic interactions and thus awaken curiosity among the visitors of the festival. Above all, our goal is to bring science from the university into society. The focus is on the direct dialogue between presenters and visitors to create an added value for both. We invite you to enrich the group of speakers to display a wider range of academic achievement. We have gathered an interesting group of scientists and we would be delighted to include you too. More information on this topic and a registration form can be found here.
The ZAMANAND Festival is Munich's largest street festival and provides information on socially relevant topics twice a year. From Odeonsplatz to Leopoldstraße, initiatives and associations have the opportunity to present themselves for a weekend. The strolling public tends to linger briefly at individual stands. At the same time, the festival "CORSO LEOPOLD" takes place on Leopoldstrasse. The street stretches from Siegestor to Münchner Freiheit. With more than 250,000 visitors per weekend, the festival is one of the most visited events in Munich. (link - the page is only avaiable in German)