MUTtrail from the Class 2019 has been nominated for the environmental prize of the Bayerische Landesstiftung by the City of Munich. The final result will be announced in August. Congratulations and good luck to them!
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Five teams with 41 new scholarship holders started end of November 2021: Climate, Culture, Education, Health and Science!
After three intensive months of team finding and hypothisis develpoment two of them changed their group names:
HEALTH became PROACTIVATION - SCIENCE became CreaThesis!
Success on your track!
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Eco-friendly behaviour concerning food consumption and buying clothes in Munich, two relevant questions for the people living in the bigger area of Munich. Support the student research team AppCycle of class 2020 and take a few minutes to answering the short survey.
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Das Team der TUM Studienberatung und -information führt das von der TUMJA in 2018 initiierte Format #TUM4mind weiter und hat zahlreiche Einzelformate entwickelt. Das nächste findet am 18.03.2021 statt!
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Das Jahr 2020 hat uns einen drastischen Sprung ins Digitale abgefordert. Viele gesellschaftliche Bereiche, im Beruf, im Privaten aber insbesondere auch der schulische und akademische Alltag haben eine nahezu komplette Umstellung auf digitale Formate bewältigen müssen.
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800 new scholarships are offered by TUM during the year 2021, announced at the Deutschlandstipendium Kick-Off Event on January 19 & 20, 2021. Once again, we are pleased to announce that numerous TUMJa scholarship recipients are once again among the beneficiaries.
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Shortly before the Christmas break we started the collaboration with the Munich jazz singer and composer Kilian Sladek. In the last months of our scholarship he will accompany us in several workshops & develop a conceptual jazz work based on our scientific findings. We are incredibly excited & sincerely thank the TUM: Junge Akademie for the opportunity of this enriching exchange! We are also…
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