The complex problems of our present times can only be adequately identified and addressed in co-operation by different forms of knowledge and practice. It is more important than ever to develop unconventional analysis tools as well as alternative strategies of thinking and action that do justice to the current socio-ecological challenges and promote the necessary transformation in society. Here Cross-Challenge comes into play.
This joint trans-disciplinary project format between the TUM: Junge Akademie of the Technische Universität München (TUMJA), the Academy of Fine Arts Munich (AdbK), the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF) as well as the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich (HMTM) is consciously geared to an experimental approach.
Students from higher years from the four institutions are invited to collaborate and realise a project – reflecting on a changing annual theme. Over the course of four months (16 weeks) in the winter semester 2021/22, selected students with different backgrounds in the arts, humanities, technology, social sciences and science will develop a joint project in small groups of four to six people.
They will receive a small production budget, professional input from international experts within the framework of workshops and lectures and will be accompanied and supported by lecturers of the partner institutions.
Project outcomes can be
- artistic or documentary works,
- scientific essays or
- social interventions.
They can take on a
- poetically descriptive,
- analytic,
- critically reflective or a
- politically activist orientation and can be a
- hybrid form that defy conventional categories.
The aim of this collective, project based and collaborative format is to open up new perspectives on central questions of our time as well as new approaches and try out new forms of practice through inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration.
As a cross-university initiative, Cross-Challenge wants to promote trans-disciplinary research early on and especially the collaboration between scientists and artists, as we believe in its pioneering innovation and transformative potential.
For questions, ideas or comments, please send an email to: cross.challenge(at)ja.tum.de