Caring Co-Existence
The Cross Challenge 2021
24 students in the higher semesters took part in groups of 4-6 people in the first year of the "Cross Challenge" group for five months.
Our Western way of living – led by insatiable consumerism, the ideology of constant growth and expansion, rising inequality, the exploitation of natural resources and our pollution of planet earth – seems to be on the verge of bankruptcy. It is widely recognized that we have to think of and implement new ways of relating to the more-than-human world and of living together.
- But how and where to begin in a system that has a tight grip on every one of us and is constantly discouraging alternative ideas?
- How can we find possibilities for change and a more symbiotic becoming that are inherent in the uncertainty and darkness of the future instead of drowning in apocalyptic visions?
- How to imagine and foster multi-species cohabitation in the face of “capitalist ruins” (A. Tsing) and a “damaged planet” (D. Haraway)?
In transdisciplinary and collaborative projects, the students might examine starting points, first concepts, practices or even partial solutions to these pressing questions of our times. They are invited to investigate the present and future of a “Caring Co-Existence” – ecological modes of existence that are worth striving for. Their projects might provoke shifts in perception and affective attunement, investigate alternative forms of communication with the living and non-living world, address socio-ecological violence and injustice, encourage a more ethical entanglement of technology and ‘nature’ or experiment with thriving modes of co-habitation. They might draft bold visions or realise relatively small interventions and interactions, which nevertheless can lead to complex patterns and systems of change (A. M. Brown).
Application deadline October 5, 2021
Confirmation of Participation October 6, 2021
The Schedule
- Kick-Off: 21.-23. Okt. 2021
- 21.10.: 6:00-7:30 p.m.: ADBK - Welcome, Presentation of Program- and Participants
- 22.10.: 5:30-8:00 p.m.: TUM - Introduction to "Caring Co-Existence, Keynotes (2) with international experts/artists/activists, panel discusion / Q&A
- 23.10.: 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.: HFF - Workshop & Team Building including all participants and Cross Challenge-Staff
- Step I November 4.-6., 2021
- 4.11.: 7:00-8:30 p.m.: HFF - Keynote and talk with international experts/artists/activists
- 5.11.: 2:00-6:00 p.m.: ADBK - Workshop conducted by Cross Challenge-Staff
- 6.11.: 2:00-5:00 Uhr: HFF - Refection& presentation of the results
- Step II 1.& 8. Dez. 2021(individuell teams coaching)
- Step III 12. Jan 2022 (5:00-9:00 p.m.) Workshop with all teams
- Closing 25. Feb 2022 (6:00-9:00 p.m.) Final presentation
- Program was extended until March 2022
Participation in the CROSS CHALLENGE is open to all higher-semester students from the four universities.
- = Master’s students from all disciplines
- = State exam program students (Lehramt) in the 6th semester or higher
- = Medical students in the 6th semester or higher
- = PhD students from all disciplines
We expect:
- high affinity for creative,
- artistic work proven experience,
- lived inter- and transdisciplinarity
- IMPORTANT: Time from the end of October to the end of February 2022, approx. 8 h / week - !!! February is exam time for many students !!!
The Cross Challenge thrives on the creativity of the students and doctoral candidates of the four partner universities according to the principle:
With great experience and expertise, four international artists/activists will fuel the Cross Challenge during the four months.
They will give insights into their work, answer questions and inspire the 20 participants.
Kick-Off (22.10.)
- Keynote I - Dr. Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg (confirmed)
- Keynote II - Paulo Tavares (confirmed)
Introduction to Workshop II (4.11.)
- Keynote III - Merlin Sheldrake (confirmed)
Workshop (5.11.)
- Trainer - n.n.
In addition, one representative from each of the four partner universities will be involved with many years of experience:
- Academy of Fine Arts Munich: Dr. Susanne Witzgall
- University of Television and Film Munich: Daniel Lang
- University of Music and Performing Arts Munich: Dr. Tobias Reichard
- Technical University of Munich: Peter Finger
Reality check with students May 17, 2021
After the concept for the Cross Challenge had been developed by the partners, we invited students from the four universities to an online brainstorming session on May 17, 2021. The aim of the exchange was an assessment of the acceptance, feedback on the initiative, as well as the finding of subject areas that are perceived by the students as attractive, contemporary or challenging. The extensive discussion formed the basis for the 2021 Call "Caring Co-Existence".