The goal of this workgroup was to enhance the quality of life for people that had suffered the loss of an extremity, like for example a finger. We were look for alternatives to the current state of the art motion mechanisms, the bonding to the body and how feedback could be relayed to the person. Our aim was to not only give new approaches regarding this issue, but also to create a working prototype.
Motion: The main focus here lies on the research of how nature realizes actuation in limited space. As prosthetics use to have an exosceletal structure for reasons of weight and stress optimization, the main emphasis of this model lies in the examination of insect legs agitation. Moreover, we were looking for alternatives to structural buildup and motion in nature.
Bonding: Considering the connection of an external item to the body, we investigated how in nature a body attaches to different surfaces. Our main focus was the physical, chemical and especially constructive measures, regarding the microscopic and macroscopic effects and how these could be used to make attachment to the skin more comfortable and more solid.
Tactility: Here we examined how and by which means tactile feedback is relayed in different beings in nature and how this could be made use of to give back a sense of touch, considering the technical feasibility. We hope you got a good first understanding of what our goals are and are inclined to join our team! We are looking forward to meet you and expand our team!
Despite the scholarship officially ending with the submission of a research proposal in May 2023, we are going to continue with our work. This is only the beginning!
- Dorina Siebert
- Monica Dechene