During the 20-month scholarship, the development and implementation of a student research project is the focus of activities. The topics are proposed independently by the scholarship holders and are interdisciplinary. During the research, the team members contribute their skills and continuously expand them.
The groups are encouraged to develop solutions independently. They are accompanied by supervisors (active or retired professors) and tutors, both professionally and personally. In the initial phase of the project work, a hypothesis underlying the chosen topic must be developed and tested with scientific methods. The team then derives ideas for implementation from the research results, which have high practical relevance. Throughout the entire time, the group members contribute their expertise and deepen it at workshops and seminars.
In doing so, they acquire further interdisciplinary competencies and strengthen their soft skills.
Project News
[Freesearch] CrowdTUM platform launched!
Project News,
The very first projects to fund are online!
We realized our platform and launched now, presenting the first three projects. Discover our innovative and powerful tool: https://crowd.ja.tum.de
Fund or become your project, bachelor or Master thesis funded!
Here you find information about the first three projects:
REVERSED: "New engaging teaching concept for the mathematics and physics education at Bavarian high schools based on a modular drone that can be disassembled into individual experiments." (Funding goal: 2.500,00 €)
GHANA RURAL RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECT: "Our aim is to give a chance to rural Ghana to show the world its potential by harvesting the abundant resources nature has given in the most environmentally friendly way possible." (Funding goal: 2.000,00 €)
ARCHITEKTUR MASTERARBEIT: BERUFSSCHULE BUKIT LAWANG: "Planung und Bau einer handwerklichen Berufsschule in Sumatra. Mit Hilfe von ihren Spenden kann das Gebäude aus nachhaltigen Materialien verwirklicht werden und jungen Menschen eine neue Ausbildung mit Perspektive geboten werden." (Funding Goal: 5.000,00 €)
Das Projektbuch 2013/2014 beinhaltet alle aktuelle Projekte des Jahrgangs und Informationen zu den Aktivitäten während des Projektjahres (pdf, 3,3Mbyte, 148 Seiten)
Das Projektbuch 2012/2013 beinhaltet alle aktuellen Projekte des Jahrgangs 2012/2013 und Informationen zu weiteren Aktivitäten während des Projektjahres 2012/2013 (pdf, 4,7Mbyte, 111 Seiten)